
Advanced Communication Skills for Managers

Learning Method: Instructor-led Classroom Learning Duration: 1.00 Day

Course Overview:

In any profession, you will find yourself in a situation where you need to relay information to another colleague. When such situations arise, good communication skills are an essential part of getting your message across clearly. This course will show you how to apply advanced verbal and written communication techniques in your workplace.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • determine the content of your message.
  • determine the best way to prepare and deliver your message verbally.
  • examine the basics of building a well-structured presentation.
  • examine the mechanics of delivering a successful presentation.

Course Outline

Lesson 1:

Write to be Understood

Determine When to Write

Plan Your Message

Perfect Your Style and Mechanics

Writing in the Workplace

Lesson 2:

Speak to be Heard

Prepare Your Message

Deliver Your Message

Lesson 3:

Plan for High Impact Presentations

The Importance of Planning

Outline Your Presentation

Develop Your Script

Add Visual Aids

Lesson 4:

Captivate Your Audience

Make Final Preparations

Basics of Delivery

The Question-and-Answer Session

Assess the Presentation

Lesson 5:

Holding Effective Meetings

Clarify the Purpose of the Meeting

Create the Agenda

Lead a Session Effectively

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